1. On behalf of the Corkers barricaded upstairs, I want to thank you for this, it reminded me of a stop a few years ago in front of Bath Abbey, pondering the angels climbing up Jacobs Ladder carved on the face of the edifice, as the entire nation came to a silent halt for a few moments, wearing little red flowers on their lapels and bowing their heads in silence….the entire nation in silently sad thanks…as the bells tolled everywhere. A right proper moment.

  2. Not that all war isn’t an abomination. But if ever there was a pointless, senseless blood letting that defined the very absurdity of man’s cruelty to man, it was the Great War. May the world never forget the way we rushed headlong into killing each other for the petty jealousies of a privileged few. Pride is indeed the original sin.

  3. I’m not ashamed to say that I cried all the way through this, because it’s true, and because my granddaughter arrived back in the USA yesterday from a year in Iraq, with all her limbs and brains, and we are so grateful. Thank you Bill. And thank Nicole (granddaughter) and all the others those in power get to do their dirty work for them. They are heroes, however their jobs are misdirected by the politicos.

  4. My family and I would like to thank each of you that has served or is serving in the armed forces of the United States. And, to those of you who serve or served in combat, may God protect you and keep you safe.

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