1. It promises to be a great time. I hope readers will consider supporting the cause.

    And, if the freakish weather accompanying global warming results in a September snowstorm, I might be able to show off some of my prowess on the moguls. Thanks for linking to my secret life, Beer.

  2. Skiing? Heh. Here’s hopin’ my schedule allows.

    FYI all, and especially Bill Kauffman, over at Postmodern Conservative, I’ve been developing a series of posts on popular music, called Carl’s Rock Songbook, which I hope y’all will check out. The latest http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/postmodernconservative/2011/07/01/carl%E2%80%99s-rock-songbook-9-marilynne-robinson-%E2%80%9Ci-miss-civilization%E2%80%9D/ installment features a six-months-late response of sorts to Kaufmann’s old Fighting Bobs https://www.frontporchrepublic.com/2010/12/the-fighting-bobs/post.

    I certainly invite Kaufmann’s response, which we can probably publish as a guest-post if he doesn’t want to limit himself to the comment section, even if it’s as much about Dylan as him.

    But as the piece critiques of the general FPR use of the term “empire,” I extend to the rest of y’all a gentlemanly challenge to RUMBLE.

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