“Good Morning America” has named Sleeping Bear Dunes, along the Lake Michigan shore, its “most beautiful place” in America. I can think of at least two other Porchers who could sign on to this sentiment, and I have to confess to getting a lump in my throat as I watched the video, for it is a place that matters to me.
I’m more partial to Pictured Rocks NLS, but given that the Dunes are closer to my home, I’m willing to concede to GMA. Now if only we could make Michigan’s unemployment rate the most beautiful in America.
As a TC native who climbed the dunes every other class field trip (the other was Mackinac Island), I cannot argue. But word to the wise: when reaching the top of the dunes and thinking Lake Michigan is a stone’s throw away and needs to be ventured, it’s not. Bring a canteen and maybe a pup tent.
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