Still on the Line


In which I attend a Glen Campbell concert. As a Christmas bonus, two tunes from the displaced Arkansan’s haunting valedictory album: here and here.


  1. Nice enough piece, Bill, but Glen Campbell!?!?!? Sheesh!
    Never could stand the guy, even if he was a replacement (no sub rose reference intended, though I was born in Minneapolis) Beach Boy for a while–and isn’t it a wonder that Brian Wilson is still alive; bet Mike Love and Al Jardine hear time’s winged chariot every time they see ol Bri’ these days. I have been known to characterize GC as the finest talking Armour Star ham in captivity, but I suppose he is a good musician. Always preferred his surname-sharer Roy as a guitarist, though.

  2. The lady and I were up near Olana around the same time, and were contemplating checking it out, but we ended up going elsewhere. Woulda been a larf running into Bill Kauffman AND Tommy Stinson on the same day.
    Anyway, thanks. Not very familiar with Glen’s stuff.
    Also nice to know that Paul Westerberg is still writing songs.
    And, Ray, perhaps that’s why Mike Love Not War kicked Brian off the recent tour. Although he did axe Al too …
    So good to see the Beach Boys back to their original Love-Johnston-Stamos line-up.

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