Localist Roundup: Walkability and the Court


This piece reports a intriguing study indicating that walkable neighborhoods lower the risk of diabetes.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court made a ruling yesterday that loosened limits on campaign donations. And here’s a piece bemoaning the decision.

Lastly, The Atlantic has made this fascinating video on the geography of small talk.


  1. One hugely important point about walkable neighborhoods and health:

    It’s SAFER to walk in your own hood than to use Official Walking Locations. Here in Spokane there have been a number of assaults, and one murder, of women walking on the Centennial Trail. Nobody has been assaulted while walking in her OWN streets.

    Simple logic. Official Walking Locations are fully public. An attacker can walk along a Trail just like anyone else, and can hide and ambush his targets. Dogs on leashes are in polite public mode, not in defender mode.

    Neighborhoods are semi-private. There might be a dozen regular walkers, who become familiar to homeowners and especially to dogs. Strangers are not familiar to homeowners and dogs, and can’t find a hiding place.

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