5 Questions with Gracy Olmstead.” Gracy Olmstead talks about rural communities, seasonal rhythms, and more.

Inhabiting Memories and Landscapes.” Brecon Cathedral in Wales is hosting a conference next summer on Wendell Berry.

Campus Conservatives Aren’t Under Siege — But There’s More to the Story.” Matthew Woessner and Robert Maranto have a nuanced narrative that will satisfy neither those who think academia is hostile to conservatives nor those who think it’s a place of fair-minded discourse.

The Nones: Education without Divinity or Selfhood.” R.J. Snell poses some tough questions about education in a secular society: “Given the loss of both religion and human depths, what is the point of education for exclusive humanism?”

Mapping the Strain on Our Water.” Bonnie Berkowitz and Adrian Blanco report on regions of the US where water is most scarce. Basically, we should have listened to John Wesley Powell.

Group of Top CEOs Says Maximizing Shareholder Profits No Longer Can Be the Primary Goal of Corporations.” In breaking news, the Business Roundtable announced that businesses shouldn’t just maximize shareholder value; they should balance “the needs of shareholders with customers, employees, suppliers and local communities.” Jena McGregor points out that it’s easier to aspire to this broad responsibility than to achieve it.

Listening to ‘Four Quartets.’” Dwight Longenecker begins a series examining T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets.

The Poetry of James Matthew Wilson, A Storyteller of Spiritual Anxiety.” Nick Ripatrazone reviews and recommends the two recent volumes of poetry published by James Matthew Wilson.

Trump 2020: Be Very Afraid.” Matt Taibbi’s tone in this piece is rather grating, but his analysis of the co-dependent relationship between Trump and the media is worth reading. He claims the Trump-generated news-cycles are “our penance for turning the presidential campaign into a bread-and-circus entertainment. Middle Americans got so used to getting nothing out of elections, they started treating national politics for what it had become to them, a distant, pretentious sitcom.”

Christianity and Capitalism Reconsidered.” Alan Jacobs reflects on David Bentley Hart’s recent argument that capitalism and Christianity are incompatible.

Don’t Kill the Umps!” Bill Kauffman advocates sabatoge in response to the outrage that is robo-umps.

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