The spring issue of Local Culture is shaping up to be a good one. When we launched this print journal in 2019, we weren’t sure how many people would want to subscribe or whether we’d be able to publish a high quality journal twice a year. FPR is, after all, a decidedly amateur (in both senses of that word) endeavor. We were pleasantly surprised that within the first year, enough of you subscribed (and others donated) to make this a sustainable project. And we’ve also been gratified to have so many excellent authors willing to write for Local Culture. I think you’ll agree that this spring’s issue on Civil Dissent–exploring the ways in which we may need to opt out of the dominant cultural trends in order to opt into higher goods–is another rich issue. For now, here’s a sneak peek at the cover, which features a watercolor by Harlan Hubbard from this book. We’ll be posting the full table of contents online soon, followed by Jason Peters’s introductory essay. If you haven’t already subscribed, do so by March 1st to receive this issue in the mail.

Local Culture
Local Culture
Local Culture
Local Culture


  1. My struggle with writing is the difficulty of offering words that are needed, rather than words that simply fill voids, or worse, distract. From what I can see, these look like needed words–both beautiful and true. Looking forward to its arrival!

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