Paul Kingsnorth and “The Blizzard of the World”


Paul Kingsnorth delivered the keynote address at the 2023 FPR conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  With help from a diverse band of fellow travelers including Jewish-Canadian songwriter Leonard Cohen, Anglo-Catholic social critic Malcolm Muggeridge, and the prophetic French-Egyptian Sufi Rene Guenon, the unexpectedly Irish Orthodox Kingsnorth takes listeners on a tour of techno-mirages, holy wells, and green deserts in a search for culture-seeding saints.   

Kingsnorth, Bilbro, Screen, and peeping Machine.


2:00       Jeff introduces Paul

3:30       Paul introduces his thrift shop shirt

7:30       The disquiet of machine things

12:30    Surface debates and the depths beneath

19:00    Mumford and some on the suicide of the West

25:00    Anti-culture and real culture-making

29:00    Who is on the throne? (Or Paul as a sociological Bill Bright)

35:00    Transhumanist candor

38:00    Signs of light and darkness with Guenon and Spengler

47:00    A reluctant convert

50:00    Leaving the broken center for the margins

60:00    Short on saints 


Paul’s Substack and an interview at FPR

On “AI Demonic” at Touchstone

“The Cross and the Machine” at First Things

Conference videos

Conference co-sponsor Plough

Wendell Kimbrough helps us find our way home

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