We’re announcing a student essay contest! If you’re a student, consider submitting an essay, and if you know any students, encourage them to apply.

Students are invited to respond either to Berry’s (in)famous essay “Why I’m Not Going to Buy a Computeror to his essay “In Defense of Literacy.” We’re looking for beautiful prose that conveys a courageous and creative pursuit of the good life in a particular place. A sense of humor wouldn’t hurt.

Eligibility: Open to any current high school and undergraduate college students.

Details: Submit essays of 1,000-1,200 words to Jeff Bilbro by May 31, 2025. Winning entries will be published the week of August 5, Wendell Berry’s 91st birthday.

The top three essays will be published at Front Porch Republic, and the authors will receive a one-year subscription to Local Culture and free registration for the FPR 2025 Conference. The author of the top essay will also receive $500.

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