After a life of physical and spiritual adventure, an innovative homesteading teacher and pastor turns green with gratitude.


1:00       California to Idaho (before everybody was doing it)

12:00    The plane, the plane!

19:00    Picture pages, picture pages

26:00    Raising the dead with his students (and Robert Redford)

37:00    Finding Jesus in the mountains

45:15    Turning green in the pulpit

57:00    Timber Butte homecoming

61:00    Looking for the real thing

66:00    Thanks and love


Tri’s homestead website and buy the book

Full Cowboy & Preacher film

“Check your local listings.” (It’s 10 a.m. 12/28/24 in Idaho on PBS World)

On PBS with Bill Moyers two decades ago

“Liver-Eating” Johnson’s grave

Wendell Kimbrough helps us find our way home

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Local Culture
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Local Culture
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John Murdock
John Murdock is an attorney and globetrotting localist who worked for over a decade in Washington, D.C.; left the Capital Beltway to write from a family farmhouse deep in the heart of the Lone Star state; taught law in South Korea; and then rode the housing waves of Boise. In 2023, John left the crisp dry air of Idaho and returned to the stifling humidity of his native east Texas. His writing is catalogued at