Jeffrey Bilbro

Jeffrey Bilbro
Jeffrey Bilbro is an Associate Professor of English at Grove City College. He grew up in the mountainous state of Washington and earned his B.A. in Writing and Literature from George Fox University in Oregon and his Ph.D. in English from Baylor University. His books include Words for Conviviality: Media Technologies and Practices of Hope, Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News, Loving God’s Wildness: The Christian Roots of Ecological Ethics in American Literature, Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place (written with Jack Baker), and Virtues of Renewal: Wendell Berry’s Sustainable Forms.

Recent Essays

Cattle Ranchers, Vegetable Pickers, and Remote Workers

“Economists to Cattle Ranchers: Stop Being So Emotional About the Monopolies Devouring Your Family Businesses.” Matt Stoller argues that professional economists are stonewalling efforts...

Dirt, Words, and Xenia

“All Mod Cons.” Bill Kauffman commends the legacy of Senator Mark Hatfield: “A radical dispersal of power may lack the bellicose appeal of strident...

Reparations, Trainings, and Forgiveness

“Land, Limits and the Scandal of Reparations.” Allan Carlson lays out the long and tragic history that has dispossessed so many American farmers---and particularly...

Local Culture 3.2

We have confirmed reports that copies of the fall issue of Local Culture are now showing up in mailboxes around the country. Depending on...

Staying Sane in a Mad Time

How might we discern the truth in a mad time? Wendell Berry and G.K. Chesterton offer some wisdom.

Biopolitics, Good Work, and Roots

“A Case for the Porch.” Charlie Hailey writes in praise of the porch. Many of his reflections resonate with Patrick Deneen’s early essay on...

Congress, the Filibuster, and Original Sin

“On Not Knowing Esperanto.” Peter Mommsen introduces the new issue of Plough. It’s a great introduction, and while I haven’t read the full issue...

Regenerative Dairies, Hydroponic Gardens, and John Muir

“Ending America’s Antisocial Contract.” Ron Ivey and Tim Shirk warn that American policies which incentivize hoarding capital contribute to social and economic instability: “If...

2021 Local Porches

Last year, when we also had to cancel our fall conference due to COVID restrictions, several Porchers hosted smaller gatherings of local readers. We...

Disinformation, Dante, and Humane War

“Bad News.” Joseph Bernstein scrutinizes the disinformation discourse and argues that its underlying technological determinism and assumptions about human persuadability stand to benefit big...

2021 Conference Canceled

Sadly, due to ongoing COVID-related restrictions, we've made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 gathering. We hate to do this as we very...

Social Media, Death, and Miracles

“He is Britain’s Famous Shepherd-Author-Influencer. He Wants to Transform Farming to Save the Planet.” William Booth visits James Rebanks’s farm and puts his recent...