Kenton Sena

Kenton Sena
Kenton Sena is a lecturer in the Lewis Honors College at the University of Kentucky, where he teaches the Honors Foundations Seminar, Restoration Ecology, Appalachian Natural History, and The Ecology of Middle-earth. Together with his wife and children, he lives and gardens in Lexington, KY.

Recent Essays

Restoring the Shire: A Review of The Wonders of Creation

How else does their work inspire you to think differently about your own relationship to your own places? Take action in your own property, if you have it, and in your local community.

Community Greening in The Lord of the Rings: Samwise Gamgee and the Power of Local Care

J. R. R. Tolkien imagined a society characterized by people who care for one another and their natural spaces, cultivating human and ecological flourishing in their communities.