Seth Wright

Seth Wright
Seth Wright is married to Julie and father to Andrew, Lizzy, and Eoin. He got his Ph.D. in English from Baylor University before being ordained as the teaching elder in Donemana Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

Recent Essays

The Epic England Never Had: A Review of eÞanðun

But I reckon that eÞanðun can mix with Beowulf and Paradise Lost and not feel out of place.

A Plunge into the Mythic Wood: A Review of Seren of the Wildwood

Here is what Seren of the Wildwood has done for me: it’s rekindled my love of narrative poetry. Once I have read several of my old favourites, I’ll read it again, and then I’ll move on to the rest of Youmans' work. In the meantime, dear reader, put your order into Wiseblood Books and get to reading the instant your copy of Seren of the Wildwood arrives.