Will Caverly

Will Caverly
Will Caverly is an author living in Southeastern Pennsylvania. All of his work can be found at his website, including his beekeeping thriller Here, the Bees Sting. He is currently writing a book about urban planning and development in Philadelphia in the 1950's.

Recent Essays

The Year We Went Inorganic

When my wife and I started our rural homestead, we were suburbanites with a lot of ideas. For one, we’d do everything organically. No question. Second, we’d endeavor to only use hand tools. Scythe, sickle, spade. We’d become experts in the old ways. And third, we’d limit outside inputs.

There’s No More Room: Toward an Anarcho-Pastoralism

What I’ve just attempted to describe are the joys of the edge. Freedom, I believe, has a limited half-life when it’s in the heart of civilization. Anarcho-pastoralism means that there’s the most freedom near the edges, but freedom-lovers are ever in a struggle to move outward.