
Let us Converse Together (Without Our Phones)

Bilbro’s book is a careful study through profound literary texts about how we live in a world that has no patience for careful study through profound literary texts.

Minding Laurie Johnson’s Gap

President Trump has been in office a month as of today, and the maelstrom of orders and actions which he has taken has elicited...

Against Spreadsheet Brain and For Taking Action with Ashley Fitzgerald

There’s a type of guy, sometimes they're Silicon Valley guys, sometimes they're just tech bros, sometimes they're environmentalists who have lost their minds

Is Ross Douthat Our C.S. Lewis?

I come to praise Douthat, not to bury him.

Learn This Lesson from the Fig Tree

He seems pleased that he’s protected me and mine. Or maybe ours.

Writing Exile and Reading Homeward

Here, then, is my homecoming of the imagination: to hold the past bright in memory, and to love also the saplings and the weeds of my exile.

On Nosferatu, Moloch, and AI

Sometimes, it’s okay to be scared. At the very worst, it’s just a story.

The Anti-Anxious Generation with Ashley Fitzgerald

So I'm wondering where the spirit of the American pioneer, where the culture of the can-do man has gone?

Writing for the Common Good

I can relate the vice of envy most closely with my own writing, because that’s my profession, and I’ve longed to be a professional novelist since I was in elementary school.

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

"Is Christianity only politically efficacious in helping us determine who are our friends and who are our enemies?"