Culture, High & Low

First Lecture

On Monday, November 11, I delivered the first "First Lecture" to students at the University of Notre Dame.  This series - modeled on the...

What You Need to Know About Niccolò Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli wrote The Prince while unemployed and in exile following the restoration of the Medici to Florentine rule in 1512. He dedicated it...

The Triumph of the Liberal State

First published in Dutch as De triomf van de liberale staat in the anthology Essays Over Het Midden (Groningen, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij de Blauwe Tijger, 2013) It was sometime back in...

The Monster and the City

“I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man.” So says Frankenstein's...

Gravity’s Rainbow

If a rainbow is a symbol of hope, there's a bright 'bow in the sky' to be found in Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity.  And, just...

Politics on a Human Scale: Book Review

Politics on a Human Scale: The American Tradition of Decentralism. Jeff Taylor.  Sept. 2013.  582 pages.  Lexington Books. On occasion a political book emerges with such...

Pursuing Happiness

Arthur Brooks dropped out of college when he was nineteen. He played French Horn in orchestras and ensembles around the country. He joined the...

It’s the Scale, Stupid

Hidden Springs Lane. The great shutdown charade (less than 50% of workers furloughed) is over for now. However, though our leaders are patting themselves...

What You Need to Know About John Lukacs

John Lukacs (1924-) is one of the last great narrative historians, to be numbered among Jacques Gibbon, Jacques Barzun, George Kennan and Samuel A. Huntington....

Touching Death: Mourning Physically through Burial

In mid-September of this year my father passed away after a several year decline with dementia. With the help and support of family and...