Pigs and Hollies and Swamps, Oh My!: Corrymeela Ranch, Limestone County,...
Corrymeela is a dreamscape, a landscape that I marvel at every time I go out there. If conservation consists of loving something—a tract of land, a garden, a wood—then my hope is to love this land even more intensely into its full God-created glory.
Grace Olmstead’s Uprooted Idaho, and My Own
Uprooted is partly a memoir of her extended family, partly a paean to a way of life that is both dying and which she never really understood while she grew up in the midst of it (and thus feels the loss of all the more deeply now), and partly a study of the causes of that dying, and how what has endured--the habits, the connections, the sense of place--has shaped her extended family nonetheless.
Farmers, Physiologists, and Daylight Saving
That advocates of year-round DST persist says something about the evolution of American agriculture and how out of touch we collectively have become with the intractable pulse of nature.
Thinking Like a Lamb
Today I make a COVID resolution: I will learn to be more lamby-like, as Carl would say: to think like a lamb.
Hillbilly Grace on a Five-Acre Farm in Lincoln, Arkansas: A Review...
Minari is haunted by O’Connor, as Chung explores the theme of misfits and “hard to find” good men (and women) that jolt our senses toward who we truly are, including our limitations.
Men in the Field: The Farming Stories of Leo L. Ward,...
The best stories in the volume offer Cather-esque explorations of the links between place and people. The stories are remarkable for their dense layers, for their social, psychological, and emotional intricacies.
Bees’ Wings & Zerks
Supportive efforts can steer this ingenious workforce toward better stewardship and environmental integrity by reclaiming that awe that life on the land should inspire.
Against Obsolescence
Family-centered trades are not only the most durable throughout history; they are also the ideal context by which parents can pass their values, faith and culture on to the next generation.
Notes on a Mad Hunter’s Morality
The act of hunting makes hunters guilty—and so it makes them moral.
Meat in Due Season
A freezer and pantry full of meat, a season without having to buy any beef: for this a deer died.