The Nightstand

Hope Out of Despair: A Review of Byung-Chul Han’s The Spirit...

But I suspect that this stirring book will strike a chord with many readers of Front Porch Republic.

Moana Revisited: A Better Disney Princess

Rather than forging a new identity, she returns to old paths. Moana is not following her inner voice. She is listening to the echoes of her ancestors.

Jordan Peterson: From America’s Dad to America’s Guru

Christianity spread because people actually believed Jesus was their Lord and Savior. They believed in miracles not metaphors.

Belonging to the Garden

I belong to this place—if not for the next thousand years, at least for the summer. In such a displaced age, even that has to mean something.

Straw Men and the Possibility of Community in Modernity

Between these extremes, however, is free choice within reasonable limits, which I believe makes the value of community and its deliberative fruits still possible, even within the reality of the fractured and deracinated world in which we are living.

At Home with James Matthew Wilson  

However, in St. Thomas and the Forbidden Birds, James Matthew Wilson shows that the seeds of a rebirth of civilization are to be planted and nurtured in the soil of everyday life.

Searching for The Thing: A Review of The Thing That Would...

While she relates the years of kaleidoscopic confusion, she provides waypoints to keep the reader grounded: “This is where we are, and this is where we’re going.”

Nadya Williams and The Good News

Williams reminds us of a lesson that we should have already learned good and hard, namely that rejection of Christianity does not result in blissful liberation and self-expression.

Step Off the Assembly Line and Take Up the Work of...

So whatever value motherhood gets assigned on earth, it’s pretty clear what position it holds on high. You may feel invisible here, but you certainly aren’t in Heaven.

A Homeward Calling: Review of Tony Woodlief’s We Shall Not All Sleep

One of the novel’s achievements is the way that it unfolds this centuries-long story with both clarity and subtlety, establishing a clear feel for right and wrong while casting no irreproachable heroes and very few villains.