
The Regime, Progress, and the Last Battle

I'll be taking the month of June off email and, for the most part, the Internet. FPR will continue publishing essays while I'm away--we...
Cultural Debris

Fr. Gregory Pine On Prudence

Dominican Friar Fr. Gregory Pine is a host of the podcast Godsplaining and frequently appears on Pints With Aquinas. He is author of the...

Fiction, Insects, and Baseball

“The Colorado River is in Crisis, And It’s Getting Worse Every Day.” In a beautifully produced, well-illustrated essay, Karin Brulliard journeys down the Colorado...

The End of the World, Pawpaws, and Local Journalism

“Not That Brothers K.” Ken Sundet Jones praises David James Duncan’s brilliant novel on the thirtieth anniversary of its publication: “It’s about American angst,...

Chuck Marohn on the Human Errors of Traffic Engineering

Chuck Marohn, the founder of Strong Towns and author of Confessions of a Recovering Engineer, discusses streets, roads, “stroads,” and the perils of the...

Christian Anarchism, Sigrid Undset, and Third Places

“Introduction to Christian Anarchism Summer 2022 Seminar.” Laurie Johnson is offering an online seminar exploring the tradition of Christian anarchism: “The five sessions will...
Cultural Debris

Art Heists With Anthony Amore

Anthony Amore is a Boston based New York Times bestselling author and art security expert. He is author most recently of  The Woman Who...

Work, Time, and Seeds

“Christopher Beha Left the Catholic Church and then Came Back. Now He’s Writing a Book about Why..” Mary Grace Mangano talks with Chris Beha...

Local Food, Hope, and Death

“Spring 2022.” The Berry Center’s spring newsletter has several good pieces, including Wendell Berry’s note of gratitude for the continued practice of local subsistence,...
Cultural Debris

Literary Saints With Jessica Hooten Wilson

Jessica Hooten Wilson is author of the new book The Scandal of Holiness: Renewing Your Imagination in the Company of Literary Saints from Brazos...