The Water Dipper

David James Duncan, Peter Viereck, and Charlotte Mason

“The Liberating Arts Book Launch.” If you’ll be in NYC this September 28th, join us for a panel discussion and book launch event for...

Facts, Bears, and Democracy

“Rage against the Baseball Machine.” Bill Kauffman wasn’t keen on watching a baseball game where balls and strikes were determined by a machine: “We...

Reconciliation, History, and Localism

This will be the last Water Dipper for a few weeks. I’ll be taking some time off from email and the Internet. I plan...

The Rust Belt, Ducks, and Lanternflies

“Barbara Kingsolver: ‘Rural people are so angry they want to blow up the system.’” Lisa Allardice talks with Barbara Kingsolver about her new novel:...

The Commons, Alfalfa, and Oats

“Piety, Technology, and Tradition.” Jon Askonas responds to a critique from Alan Jacobs about the difficulty of conserving traditions in our current technological environment:...

Localism, Liberalism, and Regionalism

“Fidelity to Place.” James Matthew Wilson speaks on behalf of honoring our unchosen bonds: “What is missing from modern life is fidelity—and not just...

Money, the Wild, and the Metaverse

“Living as Humans in a Machine Age.” Registration is now open for our fall conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Paul Kingsnorth will be the keynote...

College, Conservation, and Computers

“What College Students Need Is a Taste of the Monk’s Life.” Molly Worthen explores the possibilities that college offers for helping students unplug from...

Payne Hollow, Ice Cream, and National Parks

“Thriving on the Fringe of Society.” Carrie Blackmore Smith describes the life that Harlan and Anna Hubbard made at Payne Hollow and the work...

David Foster Wallace, Brian Doyle, and Francis Fukuyama

“Fresh Cliché.” In a wise essay that puts David Foster Wallace in conversation with Wallace Stegner, Matt Stewart gives two cheers for clichés: “Surely...