Minding Laurie Johnson’s Gap
President Trump has been in office a month as of today, and the maelstrom of orders and actions which he has taken has elicited...
The Writing on the Wall
The writing may still be on the wall, but a different story is being written in our block.
2025 Front Porch Republic Student Essay Contest
We're announcing a student essay contest! If you're a student, consider submitting an essay, and if you know any students, encourage them to apply.
The Census Taker In a Church Pew, Part 5
Her heart is for those little ones, that they might come to know The One who became a child for our salvation and for the glory of God.
A Son’s Journey to His Father
Men often reflect on their relationship with their fathers during these coincidences of milestones; a similar thing often happens when a son reaches the age his father was when the son was born.
Localism and Justice: A Review of The Story of Clyde Kennard
Kennard himself, though worrying about his legacy during his last illness, seemed remarkably free of bitterness. Concerning a prison guard who had abused him, he thought that the abuse had harmed the guard more than himself.
The Excellence (and Implications) of Escaping the Housing Trap
All of this only touches the surface of Escaping the Housing Trap’s arguments and only begins the many productive discussions that should—and hopefully will!—follow in its wake. Buy and read the book, and join with your neighbors in talking about how Strong Towns can help make your community a place that can house all who need it.
What’s In Your Garage?
No home but the Garden was there originally for man, once upon a very long time ago. No garage either was part of life before expulsion from Eden.