
Gone Fishing (2)

Sometimes the deluge of content that pours from our 24/7 media threatens to drown us under its cacophony of disinformation. Periodically, then, it is...

Social Justice vs. Social Charity

The Pernicious Nature of Charity There is a pernicious force that operates in all societies, but especially in ours and especially in these sad days....

At Last, the FPR Manifesto

... where human affairs are conducted as if place really matters, where economic affairs are conceived as if limits really matter, and where political power is exercised as if liberty really matters.

The Economic Value of Streetcars

Although you would hardly know it today, Baltimore was once a city of streetcars. Crackling densely across the city’s center like fissures in old...

Updating the Porch

The noise you are hearing is the furniture moving on the porch. You may have already noticed the redesigned site. Jeff Bilbro has taken...

Reviving the Conversation on the Porch

I’m honored and excited to be joining the Front Porch Republic in a more official capacity and taking over the editorial duties for this...

Podcast Recommendation – Crim and Potts

Chuck Marohn over at Strong Towns does some interesting podcasts, but none more so than a recent one with FPR regulars Elias Crim and...

“Conservatism” and the New EPA

Nature doesn’t give a damn what it sounds like.

Nonsense on Stilts? Dandyism? Okay.

If I were God, I’d keep other company.

On Dreher’s Benedict Option, the Christians and Localists Who Can Live...

Rod Dreher and I aren't close friends, but like many Front Porch Regulars, I've been blessed with the opportunity to associate with and learn...