
Localist Roundup: Polar Vortex

As I write this, it's cold. On the political front, this piece tells that the Senate recently propelled a unemployment benefit extension past a key...

Localist Roundup: Horse-Drawn Carriages and Portable Churches

This article reports on the continuing saga of legal challenges to NSA data collection. In other court news, as the Affordable Care Act goes...

Localist Roundup: Walmarts of Higher Education

Happy New Year! Tomorrow, the Affordable Care Act takes full effect. In other news, this piece looks at Census Bureau statistics and analyzes population shift in...

What We Wish at Christmas

In practicing the rites of worship men hope that they will be vouchsafed a share in the superhuman abundance of life. From time immemorial,...

Localist Roundup: Deals and Decisions

This week's news is mostly on the political front. A budget deal seems ready to go through the Senate, wrapping up the congressional conflict...

Teaching Responsibility

Ischomachus’ wife: “My mother told me that my job was to be responsible.” Ischomachus: “Yes, my dear, of course, my father gave me the same...

Localist Roundup: Grants for Local Food and Transcendentalists with iPhones

The Black Friday shopping binge starts earlier still this year. On a less depressing note, these study results tell something about how women influence men....

Gardnering at Night, Again

Anyone blessed enough to be within shouting distance of Batavia, New York, this Saturday, October 26, at 8 pm is invited to drop by...

It’s Up to You Not to Heed the Call Up

During the First World War, the Kansas Socialist Kate Richards O'Hare was thrown into prison for violating Woodrow Wilson's Espionage Act. Her crime? Telling...

The Problem of Undertheorized Agrarianism in Most Actually Argued Localism

That's a terrible title for this post, I know. But hopefully it'll make sense, if you actually make it to the end. First of...