Tag: abortion
Regenerative Agriculture and the Human Good with Ashley Fitzgerald
Cities always import more resources than they can produce. That's kind of the definition of a city.
On Abortion, Uncompromising Values, and the Value of Compromise
Perhaps one day moral clarity on this issue will be found or the values of the American people will align more neatly. Until that day arrives, if ever it does, let the people themselves reach across the proverbial aisle so that they may reach one another.
Losing Elections and Telling Better Stories
As we enter this season of Advent, we would do well to share the skepticism of Mary and her misfit Son about the powers of this age to establish an unshakeable kingdom.
Democracy’s Despotic Drift
A court decision that returns to the people the power to decide the pressing questions of the day could be considered fatal to democracy only in an age as Orwellian as this one, when doublethink routinely masquerades as rational thought.
Dobbs v. Roe: See How They Love One Another
There will be a temptation for many to say: “Good. Roe is gone. Now the rest is none of my business.” It would be wise to remember this disinterest in our communities is what enabled a technocratic judiciary to impose Roe. To perfect our nation and its communities, we must balance the needs of living amongst one another with caring for one another.
Membership in Grace: Reflecting on Dobbs and Gifts
Perhaps activism needs such determined gentleness, illustrated in the pro-life students’ hours of prayer and the work of adoption agencies like my grandmother’s. Activism must be framed by an understanding of common grace, shared depravity, and our implications with each other: our membership, which is “the way we are.”
P.D. James’ Children of Men and Modern Parenting
I didn’t intend to welcome two children into an era marked by so much bleakness and turmoil. With James’s help, I’ve remembered that there is no project more local, no gift more world-changing, than the calling of parenthood.
My Mask, My Choice
Unfortunately, much of what is currently driving the discussion is not reason nor compassion but anger.
Justice, Sovereignty, and the Throwaway Culture: Reading Charles Camosy
We live in a time of political disruption. In the United States and around the developed world we are seeing nationalist and populist agitation...
Gender is a Social Construct
In Gender, Illich reveals the depth and scope to which capitalist modernity has unsettled family life and relations between men and women in general.