Tag: artificial intelligence
On Nosferatu, Moloch, and AI
Sometimes, it’s okay to be scared. At the very worst, it’s just a story.
The AI Invasion: For Humans, It’s Becoming Harder to Write
No question about it: For writers like me, who would like nothing more than to do our own writing and thinking with dignity and intellectual honesty, it’s becoming harder to write—at least on a computer.
A Modest Proposal: Classical Schools Should Embrace AI
If classical schools insist on banning AI in all forms, their kids will be left behind.
Saying No to AI in Education
To rush AI into the classroom or into daily life is to put student well-being at stake. And as Kingsnorth reminds us, refusal to accept certain forms of technology can “enrich rather than impoverish.”
The Student’s Dilemma
The promise of AI is utopian and seems futuristic, but its effects on the educational landscape will make students nostalgic for the pre-ChatGPT days of yore.
Pentecost and AI: Being Human in a World of Disabling Algorithms
Rather than empowering us to live in humble confidence in relationship with others and our maker, AI offers us a choice similar to that which confronted Esau.
AI, Misinformation, and Manual Arts Training
It’s said that seeing is believing. And even sleight-of-hand may be caught in the act if you watch closely enough. But things began to...
Do Not Go Gentle Into That AI Night
What starts as a method to optimize reading, exercise, or relationships becomes an end in itself. The native physiological benefit of the morning walk or bed-making is overshadowed by appeasing the voice of Andrew Huberman or Jordan Peterson.
A.I. Doesn’t Cause Cheating. Fear Does.
Front Royal, VA. How do you catch a cheater?
This is the question that is plaguing the minds of college and high school faculty...