Tag: children

Cleaning an Empty Home

There is not a lot of time for sentimentality when you’re in the final week of madly preparing to list your empty, but very much “lived-in,” house

The Anti-Anxious Generation with Ashley Fitzgerald

So I'm wondering where the spirit of the American pioneer, where the culture of the can-do man has gone?

Crafting the Ideal School: Finding a Balance Between High-Tech and the...

it is through the arts alone that the various branches of learning touch human life.

How to Raise Readers, in Thirty-Five Steps

It is not too much to say that everything in our culture pushes against habits

There’s No Place Like Home

We are desperately in need of a collective vision of what it means to love our homes.

Who Has Children Anymore Anyway?

Without God, a spiraling fertility rate seems certain. But on spiritual grounds, there’s always room for hope and renewal. When the seed is sown on the good soil, it bears thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.

Hand-Cranked Ice Cream Against Despair

Whether the experience goes beautifully or our best-laid plans go awry, hand cranking ice cream with a few dozen kids is a whole lot more powerful than dithering in paralyzing despair. As always, and as we so often forget, the light wins out.

Modernity is a Dirty Diaper

Modernity has become permanently liquid; it no longer seeks solid replacements to the pre-modern world but finds greater value in transience, not just of institutions and things, but of human relationships too.

The Cozy Loneliness of Owl at Home

children are inchoately aware of the sadness of the world; it’s another of the human mysteries that they already have access to. Lobel’s genius is in choosing for his subject tragedies that are too small to really qualify as tragedies, and thus by the paradoxes of the spiritual world become the deepest and most incandescent tragedies of all.

In Defense of Playdates

In a perfect world, our children would romp out the door after completing their chores and their schoolwork (we homeschool) and knock politely at their best friend’s door, who lived just around the corner in our quiet, speeding-car-free neighborhood, and spend a couple of hours engaged in free creative play, or a massive self-directed building project, or an epic game of Scrabble. How I sometimes wish we lived in that world!