Tag: Christianity

An Invitation to a Different Story: A Review of Letters to...

Christianity is not merely a doctrine to believe but a life to live and embody. East understands this and invites Future Saints into a different imagination and way of life.

Slange Var!

When we toast we celebrate our fight against the forces of darkness and evil.

Up From Hell: Timothy G. Patitsas’s The Ethics of Beauty

Look at what has sometimes happened to Christian architecture in America, for example; tragic declines in quality are matched by the inability of people to even notice how bad it all is.

Pastoring while Living in the Trenches of Prison

Pastoral ministry in prison can change lives, but it doesn’t magically erase the pain of incarceration.

Prickly Porcupine on Natural Law: A Review of David Lyle Jeffrey’s...

Hence this book is something special: a new set of Christian fables on natural law that do more than teach simple morals or seek to modify children’s behavior.

Sacramental Ontology in a Christian School

To gaze upon creation through a sacramental lens is to admit that God is God and we are not; it is an antidote to the poison of Genesis 3.

Paranoia and Perfect Love

It would be easy to dismiss my argument as a simple platitude: “Trust God.” But it is trust in the infinite that allows us to trust finite beings.

Medicine Wheel for the Planet: A Review

There ought not be unnecessary opposition between Indigenous and Christian perspectives. The creative work of caring for our ecology is hard enough; let us not also misunderstand one another.

Don’t Bite the Hand That Taketh Away

God is perverted in our minds from a giver into an imminent enemy. He becomes the all-knowing one who alone reads our hearts’ desires and who alone, in His power, can prevent their satisfaction.

Speaking Responsibly about Religion and Politics: A Review of Who’s Afraid...

This driving principle of love and human flourishing, rooted in the Christian understanding of humanity being made in the image of God, has spurred the great social and political reform movements in American history like abolitionism and civil rights.