Tag: conservatives

Romanticism and the Soul of Learning

Conservatives should reconsider the lessons of Romanticism.

What’s Wrong with the Republican Party?

An ill-fitting presidential nominee led to an election loss. A better nominee might win next time--but is winning enough?

Without Form and Void

If evangelicals are going to have trouble drawing the line in worship against Christian rock, will they really be reliable when it comes to evaluating the best texts and artistic forms for educating young people?

Come Home, America: Prospects for a Coalition Against Empire

The recent anti-empire, anti-war conference in DC could be the start of a significant Left-and-Right movement to challenge the foundation of U.S. foreign policy. An across-the-spectrum coalition has great potential but problems are inherent. Political theory and political history can provide lessons.

Schizophrenic Conservatives

Kearneysville, WV. The health care bill has passed the Senate, but it is yet to be seen if the House and the Senate can...

Words, Meaning, and Power

Kearneysville, WV. The publication of Sarah Palin’s autobiography, Going Rogue, provides an opportunity to discuss contemporary political rhetoric, especially the use of certain...