Tag: culture
No, I’m Not Charlie Martel, Either
Some time ago a number of my Facebook friends, some who even claimed to be practicing Catholics, changed their profile pictures on Facebook...
Bar Jester’s Writing Seminar II; or, How to Write Like a...
If you want to write worse than the average undergraduate male, consider philosophy.
The End We Imagine
I recently had a chance to watch the film The Giver. Sometimes we get films early, sometimes late, sometimes at the same time as...
Something’s Fishy–But Not Very–At Dinnertime
Ingham County, MI
As darkness falls upon what a friend of mine charitably calls “Jack-Ass Acres,” and as the promise of rain comes with the...
Soylent: It’s What’s for Dinner (and Lunch and Breakfast)
Hidden Springs Lane. What if you never had to worry about food again? Possible answers: 1) Wow! Think of all the time I can...
An Ancient Legacy of Form: Guardini on Mastery and Nearness
Our dwelling place is the state not of nature but of culture.
Liberal Culture?
The word “culture” readily falls from our lips, but what appears on first glance to be a clear-cut notion becomes much more complex as...
Culture War No More
In recent decades we have heard much of the so-called “culture wars.” For many, the idiom of war has come to dominate their thinking...
Richard Weaver on War and Stephen Smith on Liberalism in ANAMNESIS.
FPR readers will be interested in two new essays in ANAMNESIS. The first, by Professor Jay Langdale, is a fascinating examination of Richard Weaver's...