Tag: education
Crafting the Ideal School: Finding a Balance Between High-Tech and the...
it is through the arts alone that the various branches of learning touch human life.
How to Raise Readers, in Thirty-Five Steps
It is not too much to say that everything in our culture pushes against habits
Educating Hands for Human Flourishing? or Economic Growth?
"Opportunities that were not available to some due to race, socioeconomic class, or gender became available through industrial education efforts"
A Modest Proposal: Classical Schools Should Embrace AI
If classical schools insist on banning AI in all forms, their kids will be left behind.
Life in the Cyborg Age: A Conversation with Josh Pauling
And Robin and I really hope that this book can be part of that movement to help people get outside the Machine, throw sand in its gears, and live as creatures—human beings, fully alive.
Black Friday, Affluenza, and the Election
Instead of appreciating the local and the staggering beauty of our God-given world, as FPR suggests we do, the good life requires million-dollar jaunts into outer space.
Away From Politics with Kathleen Raine (Then Back Again)
Are we capable of that on a scale that will regenerate our political life? Perhaps not, at least for now, but we can take heart from the knowledge that, over the long course of human events, peoples have built cities that embodied high civic ends.
Saying No to AI in Education
To rush AI into the classroom or into daily life is to put student well-being at stake. And as Kingsnorth reminds us, refusal to accept certain forms of technology can “enrich rather than impoverish.”
The Student’s Dilemma
The promise of AI is utopian and seems futuristic, but its effects on the educational landscape will make students nostalgic for the pre-ChatGPT days of yore.
Moana Revisited: A Better Disney Princess
Rather than forging a new identity, she returns to old paths. Moana is not following her inner voice. She is listening to the echoes of her ancestors.