Tag: home
Cleaning an Empty Home
There is not a lot of time for sentimentality when you’re in the final week of madly preparing to list your empty, but very much “lived-in,” house
Places That Remember Themselves: The Erosion of Memory in an Unmoored...
There are still places that remember themselves. Whose inhabitants know them intimately and love them deeply.
Writing Exile and Reading Homeward
Here, then, is my homecoming of the imagination: to hold the past bright in memory, and to love also the saplings and the weeds of my exile.
The Maps of Our Lives Point Homeward
Older and wiser, I have long learned that for all the times I wanted to visit far-away places, there is no place like home.
There’s No Place Like Home
We are desperately in need of a collective vision of what it means to love our homes.
The Writing on the Wall
The writing may still be on the wall, but a different story is being written in our block.
Boarding House at the End of the World
Zoning laws, housing codes, and a culture marked by suspicion and antisociality make it difficult to revive the boarding house, a living arrangement that once applied to nearly half of the population.
What’s In Your Garage?
No home but the Garden was there originally for man, once upon a very long time ago. No garage either was part of life before expulsion from Eden.
A Flat Surface Upon Which to Eat
It’s a new year, and many of us are thinking about self-improvement. This is a wonderful thing to do. We all need a bit of a tune-up now and then. But as we make our resolutions and focus on ourselves, it’s worth considering the parable of my table.
Responding to Your Email: Better Late Than Never
It is, I realized, handy to have a proper template handy, ready to use, should my fears come true, and I discover that I really did forget to answer an email for a few months, and then need to send a very thorough and sincere apology. In fact, it is possible that such an email is buried somewhere in one of my three inboxes right now, awaiting this very reply.