Tag: home

A Place Called Home – Even When You’re Young

Since posting "A Place Called Home" we have learned of the passing of Otto Warmbier. Just as home is the place where absence is...

Two Last Suppers and Ordinary Greatness: A Double Eulogy

What are the compensations on the downhill side of life?

A Space for Children in the Home

“If children do not have space to release a tremendous amount of energy when they need to, they will drive themselves and everybody else...

Townsman of a Stiller Town: Death on the American Highway

Earth's the right place for love.

The Land of Storybooks

At evening when the lamp is lit, Around the fire my parents sit; They sit at home and talk and sing, And do not play at anything. Now,...

Oneself as Another in the Controlled Burn: A Dispatch

Low flames and smoke and visions of the eschaton.

A Little Home Cooking

Richmond, VA I do not think it outrageous, every now and then, to despair for the future of cooking in this country. Not all the...

Something’s Fishy–But Not Very–At Dinnertime

Ingham County, MI As darkness falls upon what a friend of mine charitably calls “Jack-Ass Acres,” and as the promise of rain comes with the...

Four Words to Change the World

Situate the preference where it is, not where it isn’t.

A Man’s Home Is His Castle

Hidden Springs Lane. After too long, I finally got around to watching The Castle (1997), a film recommended by FPR’s Jeff Polet. It’s a...