Tag: life
The Maps of Our Lives Point Homeward
Older and wiser, I have long learned that for all the times I wanted to visit far-away places, there is no place like home.
On Courage
Now – every moment, but now especially, this moment in history – is the time not to watch but to act.
“The Sensation of Seeing”: How T.S. Eliot Defamiliarizes the Christmas Story
That which we most value is often that which most frequently slips into dull repetition.
Beyond the Scoreboard
Here, on a little patch of field in a North Texas suburb, I found life being played out in simple but significant ways.
Death and Life in the Country
Hidden Springs Lane. There is something especially sad about opening up a hive full of dead bees. Several weeks ago I wrote about my...
My Nephew Jonathan
What I wish for Jonathan is a culture rooted in that wonder and humility which fecundates all authentic wisdom; a culture directed by the grand human imperative of conjoining our efforts to the effort of our Creator; a culture which will enable him, and not hinder him, from realizing all of the potential which nature planted in him at his birth.
No Wealth But Life
JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS. William Allen White, the noted editorialist of Emporia, once named our shared home country America’s tenth muse—the muse of prophecy. If...