Tag: place
A Homeward Calling: Review of Tony Woodlief’s We Shall Not All Sleep
One of the novel’s achievements is the way that it unfolds this centuries-long story with both clarity and subtlety, establishing a clear feel for right and wrong while casting no irreproachable heroes and very few villains.
The Miraculous Phenomenon of Post-Hurricane Weather
When Christ died on the cross, the disciples did not know he was going to rise again. But for Christians today, we see the full picture, and these are not meaningless tragedies.
Boarding House at the End of the World
Zoning laws, housing codes, and a culture marked by suspicion and antisociality make it difficult to revive the boarding house, a living arrangement that once applied to nearly half of the population.
Road Kill
I had to understand life and nature not as something to be mastered, but as gifts afforded to me to steward by a God abundant in goodness.
Wheeler Catlett’s Love Beyond Organization in Wendell Berry’s “Fidelity”
Organized community events bring people together and are an integral part of forging strong communal bonds in a place. Like the law, they serve a purpose in a community’s ecosystem of relationships.
What Plays in Peoria
You don’t have to be normal. You don’t have to be weird. You just have to be a person – which is a moral ideal, not a fact of nature – and let the chips fall.
Modern Architecture Erodes Community: What We Can Do About It
The future of our built environment is in our hands. We can reject the alienation of modernism and instead foster spaces that cultivate connection, celebrate history, and create a sense of belonging.
Real Communities and Democratic Theory
If we don’t experience full, unqualified “concrete, historical community,” then we won’t experience full, unqualified “genuine deliberation.”
Southern Appalachia is a Place
These questions would cause little debate or consternation without the importance of place tethering them. And, despite the erasure of communitarian mindsets and regional identity, place still matters.
Finding The Seam: How Small Farmers Can Thrive
There are much easier ways to make money than farming. The primary goal of a good farmer is to find success in caring for one’s land, community, and family.