Andrew J. Spencer

Andrew J. Spencer
Andrew Spencer is Books Editor at The Gospel Coalition. He writes frequently at Ethics and Culture. He is also author of Hope for God’s Creation: Stewardship in an Age of Futility.

Recent Essays

Hope for a Humane Agricultural Future: A Review of Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future

The ecomodernist approach of Regenesis relies on a mechanistic understanding of humanity. The presumption is that humans are merely fleshy machines that can adapt to flourish in any environment as long as their basic material needs are met. That doesn’t match with most people’s experience of life.

Finding Common Ground on Climate: A Review of Saving Us

In the balance, Hayhoe’s book makes a positive contribution to the climate conversation. The book encourages dialogue rather than hectoring. In that sense, though the targeted topic is climate change, Hayhoe’s advice is good for any sort of persuasive argument.

Christian Ecological Virtues

There is much to admire in Bouma-Prediger’s approach to environmental ethics. If practiced within the context of a robust Christianity, the virtues he recommends would certainly help readers become better stewards of the earth.