Bill Kauffman

Bill Kauffman
Bill Kauffman, a founding editor of Front Porch Republic, is the author of eleven books, among them Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette (Holt), Ain’t My America (Metropolitan), and Poetry Night at the Ballpark (FPR Books).

Recent Essays

The Ballad of Edward Abbey

Tom Russell, true son of the American Southwest, sings about the Man from Home. Thanks to Brian Frizzell for the link.

Mallon Time

I was delighted to see that Thomas Mallon, a superb novelist whose subject is often American politics (my favorites are Henry and Clara and...

On Wisconsin

My friend Paul Buhle, the great historian of the American left, has edited, with his wife Mari Jo Buhle, It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches...

Seen Your Video

This is the last audience to which I should announce such a thing but after fumbling an editing gig or two because I lacked...

Super Cuts

Brian (no relation to Lefty) Frizzell, Brooklyn's archivist of Americana, sends a link to Matt Morris's Pickin' & Trimmin', a lovely documentary short film...

Iowa is for Peace-Lovers

BURNED-OVER DISTRICT, NY---Our daughter will be spending the snowy months rehearsing her role as Marian the Librarian in her high school’s production of Meredith...

Tonight I Feel So Far Away From Home…

This Christmas--like last Christmas, and the one before that , and the one before that....--hundreds of thousands of our countrymen and women are far...

Vonnegut Laid(?) to Rest

Burned-Over District, NY---I’m reading Charles J. Shields’s absorbing new biography of Kurt Vonnegut, And So It Goes, and while its morose subject deservedly never...

Que Surratt, Surratt

When next you stumble into the corner video store:

Don’t It Make You Wanna Go Home Now?

Mobility is the great undiagnosed sickness afflicting America. All of our ruling class and most of our writing class consist of deracinated careerists who...

Come Saturday Evening…

....we'll be reading aloud--for the fourteenth consecutive year--from the works of Batavia's native (if sometimes wayward) son John Gardner. Where? The Pokadot, literary-culinary capital...

B Movies–in Black and White

No, not the tune by the Fabulous Poodles, but rather my memories of Peter H. Clune, who was gunned down in the bleakest film...