Ben Phelps

Ben Phelps
Benjamin Phelps is graduating from Grove City College with a B.A. in Philosophy and heading to Westminster Seminary California for a Masters in Divinity. When he's not reading Soren Kierkegaard, Herman Bavinck, or Fyodor Dostoevsky, you can find him grinding coffee or reminiscing about his boyhood days playing baseball in his home state of Rhode Island.

Recent Essays

College: A Place for Training Exiles

It is a hard task to learn to plant roots in a place from which you know you will be uprooted. It is also the task that we, mirroring Israel in Jeremiah 29, are called to do. Through the process of planting gardens, marrying, having children, raising our children, and being planted and watered, we can shadow what our true home is to our neighbors and loved ones.