Brad East

Brad East
Brad East (PhD, Yale University) is an associate professor of theology at Abilene Christian University in west Texas. He is the author of four books, including Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry. He has written for Commonweal, First Things, The Hedgehog Review, The New Atlantis, and The Point, among others; he blogs regularly at his personal website.

Recent Essays

How to Raise Readers, in Thirty-Five Steps

It is not too much to say that everything in our culture pushes against habits

Another Option for Christian Politics

With simple elements of bread and wine, the church, then and now, celebrates the memory of Christ’s death by partaking of the sacrament of his body and blood. Ignatius wants to share in the suffering and thereby the glory of his Lord. He knows there are worse things than death - above all, a failure to follow Christ, even to the cross.