Eric Miller

Eric Miller
Eric Miller is professor of history and the humanities at Geneva College, where he directs the honors program. He is the Editor of Current.

Recent Essays

A Pathway to Peace: Hope in The Need to Be Whole

Berry, with an insistence that defies despair, is still carrying out his calling. He notes the discouraging odds his kind has faced not just now but in the past. Imperial presence in whatever its forms has long imperiled the agrarian ideal.

Heighten the Mystery

With California burning, Antarctica melting, and a death-toll spiraling, we’re left with a looming question: Can a people walking in darkness yet be made to see?

Still Singin’

That this country boasts something called “The Great American Songbook” is one of the best jokes around. The Great American Songbook? Our songs—let alone...

When In Gotham . . .

“How does one critique globalism without succumbing to would-be nationalist despots like Bolsonaro or Trump?” This was the earnest and sensible question a friend put...

Big Other is Watching. Hallelu!

All hail Big Other, in whom we live and move and have our being. All hail Big Other, from whom so many blessings flow. All hail...

Letter from the Electronic Jail

From a jail cell in Birmingham, Martin Luther King, Jr. charged us to acknowledge our “inescapable network of mutuality.”  Fifty-five years later, our networks...

Just Another Naked King

What hath Athens to do with Main Street?  Why should an economic crisis in a small European nation shake up the world?  And can...

Everywhere at Once, Nowhere at All

“Right now, the main thing I’m taking from this conference is that PowerPoint is destroying the educational process.” The conference, organized around the theme of...

Take Me Home

This excerpt is taken from Eric Miller's new book: Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longings. The Penn State University geographer Wilbur Zelinsky believes something...

Political Hope, Spiritual Longing

The following is an excerpt from a new book by Eric Miller: Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longings. Of all the distinctive raiment...