Eric Scheske

Eric Scheske
Eric Scheske practices law, writes, and gardens in southwest Michigan. He has written for dozens of publications, including Touchstone, Philosophy Now, National Catholic Register, Our Sunday Visitor, the Detroit Free Press, and Logos. He is the former editor of Gilbert, the Magazine of G.K. Chesterton. He also operates one of the Internet's oldest blogs, The Daily Eudemon (c. 2004).

Recent Essays

My Failed Wild Garden and Inner Utopian

Rational ideas create hell on earth. Just ask a kulak. Or just ask the lettuce plants in my garden.

On the Need to Reactivate Our Right Hemispheres

In our daily lives, we need activities that aren’t driven by our left hemispheres. We need leisure (as understood by Josef Pieper). We need to waste time. We need to do nothing . . . a thing that rankles the left hemisphere’s productive disposition.

Confused and Contented: On Gardening

Gardening is wholly mundane, but in a way that complements our pursuit of holiness and spirituality because it keeps us properly focused and disposed.