Jeremy Beer

Jeremy Beer
Jeremy Beer is a philanthropic consultant. He lives with his wife, Kara, in the Willo neighborhood of her hometown: Phoenix, Arizona. Although he likes Arizona and the land west of the one hundredth meridian generally, Jeremy is from Kosciusko County, Indiana, and considers himself a Hoosier patriot. He believes that Booth Tarkington was one of our greatest novelists, that Jean Shepherd was one of our greatest humorists, that Billy Sunday was our one of our greatest (and speediest) orators, and that Larry Bird is without a doubt our greatest living American. Jeremy obtained his doctorate in psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. From 2000 to 2008 he worked at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Wilmington, Delaware, serving finally as vice president of publications and editor in chief of ISI Books. He serves on the boards of Front Porch Republic, Inc., Mars Hill Audio, and Catholic Phoenix. A more complete and much more professional bio can be found here. See books written and recommended by Jeremy Beer.

Recent Essays

Blond, Kauffman, and Beer in the Latest TAC

The most recent issue of The American Conservative will be of interest to folks on the Porch.

The Narrows of the Hassayampa

The explosive growth in wilderness-designated land is one of the few modern desert Southwest trends of which I heartily approve. In 1975, Arizona had several hundred thousand acres of designated wilderness; now there are something like 4.8 million acres in 92 units. Fedeally managed or not, I approve. And I cite Edward Abbey as my authority.

Was the Movement Con Mind Ever Open?

Noah Millman says blame the money, and he's right.

Does Kauffman count as good Good Friday reading?

Fr. Michael Orsi reviews Kauffman's Luther Martin, and finds wisdom therein.

George A. Panichas, RIP

George A. Panichas, literary critic and longtime editor of Modern Age, has died at the age of 79.

David Rieff on FPR–and others

According to David Rieff, FPR occupies an honorable space on the right side of the American commentariat spectrum, in that many of our writers...

Hail to the Publican

A friend sent me the other day two issues of a little journal called The Publican of Philadelphia. Since I am forever worried that...

McCarthy, Nash, and the Story of the American Right

The narrative that the American Right tells about itself springs from the careful, groundbreaking historical work of George H. Nash. Unfortunately, as Dan McCarthy...

Under the Mogollon Rim

Washington Park, Arizona. It used to take seven hours to get here by car, even though the journey was only some 90 miles from...

Allan Carlson in St. Louis on 10/15

For those of you in the vicinity of T. S. Eliot’s home town, FPR editor-at-large Allan Carlson will be speaking at Washington University in...

At Least Small Communities Are Human

That's the point made darn well by Stefan McDaniel as part of his response to globalization defenders (the link will take you back to...

Anti-Culture, America, and the Other

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece on Philip Rieff for the American Conservative. One of the themes of Rieff’s work on...