Joshua Mabie

Joshua Mabie
Joshua Mabie lives with his wife and two children at Pied Beauty Farm, just outside of Stoughton, Wisconsin. They are slowly converting the farm’s fourteen acres of former corn and soybean field into organic garden plots. Their plan is provide these garden plots to recent immigrants and refugees to help them start their own market garden or CSA. He is also associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, where he teaches and writes about environmental literature and American literature.

Recent Essays

For the Hog Killing, 1979 and the Work of Photography

Perhaps the appealing vision of neighborliness that For the Hog Killing, 1979 presents, and the image of agricultural community that it provides, can challenge those of us who are encouraged by the book to channel our memory into the practice of hope.

After Apple-Planting

Our trees are unlikely to make a measurable difference in global carbon dioxide levels, and they will not do anything to hasten the end of the coronavirus pandemic, but according to Wendell Berry, these facts have nothing to do whatsoever with whether or not our decision to plant trees is, as Kerstin declared, good.

The Names of Things

An old painting by John Miles of Northleach imagines Adam in the midst of naming all the animals in the Garden of Eden. Adam...