Michael J. Sauter

Michael J. Sauter
Michael J. Sauter has lived his whole life in Western NY, in and around Rochester and the Genesee Valley. He has worked in factories and on dairy farms and in various ministries in the Catholic Church at the Abbey of the Genesee. He currently directs Catholic Campus Ministry at SUNY Geneseo. Along with his friend Michael Martin he hosts a weekly podcast, The Regeneration Podcast, which can be found on Spotify and many other podcast hosting services.

Recent Essays

On the Localism of the Spheres

I have a friend who is a cloistered Trappist monk and his current obsession is the ‘outer’ and decidedly non-sedentary goal of running a...

The March for Life, Poetry, and ‘Epimethean Men’

“Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.”  --Wallace Stevens January 25,  the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, will mark the fifth time...

On ‘The Fall’ and That Obama Video

Yes, yes. I know the election is over and, as a third-party voter myself, I don’t believe I’ll smell like sour grapes here regarding...

Lessons on Limits from the Cougar Prophet

If a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, I took my prescription of limits and localism with a spoon full of...

Thought Control and Controlling Our Thoughts

Last evening I had the joy of taking a dozen-plus college students to the Abbey of the Genesee for the first of this year’s “Newman...

The Eckhart Tolle of Space

“Many propositions involving temporal concepts which seem obviously and necessarily true are just as necessarily but not obviously true when formulated in terms of...

Carbuncles, Bedbugs, Boils and Politics

To paraphrase an observation of Chesterton on the subjects of poets, silence and cheese:  Political scientists have been mysteriously silent on the subject of soap,...