Peter Biles

Peter Biles
Peter Biles is a fiction writer and essayist from Oklahoma. He is the author of Hillbilly Hymn, Keep, and Through the Eye of Old Man Kyle, and his stories and essays have been featured in Plough, Dappled Things, The American Spectator, RealClearBooks & Culture, and many others. He teaches English composition at East Central University and Seminole State College. You can read more of his creative writing at his Substack, Battle the Bard.

Recent Essays


Turbo burns in my imagination. But I can only imagine now in hypotheticals.

Writing for the Common Good

I can relate the vice of envy most closely with my own writing, because that’s my profession, and I’ve longed to be a professional novelist since I was in elementary school.

Tree Tipping

Many Marches ago, a tree cracked in half, and my life began to change into what it’s become today.