Patrick J. Deneen

Patrick J. Deneen
Patrick J. Deneen teaches political theory at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of several books, most recently Why Liberalism Failed.

Recent Essays

Last Minute Gift Idea

A splendid gift idea, especially for yourself.

End of the Culture Wars?

Ross Douthat suggests that the culture wars have moved to a different battlefield. I dissent.

Dirty Hands

Jesse Straight reads Wendell Berry and Joel Saletin in college and now raises chickens. Listen to the story when an NPR reporter helps him at the slaughter.

NPR Does Something Right

Diane Rehm has selected Wendell Berry’s novel Hannah Coulter as the “Reader Review” book for November. FPR's own Jason Peters will appear as the off-color commentator.


The future belongs to nincompoops, courtesy of Facebook, Twitter and the Interwebs.

In Defense of Culture

In which "culture" is distinguished from our contemporary "anti-culture."

Good Work

The election offers us false choices - again.

What Military-Industrial Complex?

A "senior stateman" avows ignorance of Leviathan.

Promoting Prodigality

News Flash: The Fed to reward spendthrifts and debtors!!

American Self-Loathing

Anti-Washington Animus as Self-loathing.

Profiting on Localism

Macy's goes local. Except for the profits.