Patrick J. Deneen

Patrick J. Deneen
Patrick J. Deneen teaches political theory at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of several books, most recently Why Liberalism Failed.

Recent Essays

Is There a Conservative Tradition in America?

The answer is hardly obvious.

“Conservatism on Tap”

I was the featured speaker at September's Washington D.C. "Conservatism on Tap." My topic: "Is There a Conservative Tradition in America?" ...

Constitution Day

A reflection on Constitution as regime, by the late Wilson Carey McWilliams

Gunning for No. 12

Is being Number One all it's cracked up to be?

Cars and Freedom

"Here's a couple of things America got right - cars and freedom."

What’s the Matter With Connecticut?

A riff on Thomas Frank’s thesis in "What’s the Matter With Kansas?," asking why wealthy voters in Blue States like Connecticut have been apparently voting against their economic interests by electing higher-taxing Democrats

Having Kids Who Have Kids

Bryan Caplan ignores the role religious belief plays in fertility rates.

David Brooks’s FPR Conversion

News Flash: Brooks criticizes suburbia.

More on CLS vs. Martinez

CLS vs. Martinez is part of a long-term effort to eviscerate all fundamental human associations. Only the radical individual and global state are regarded as legitimate.

Progressivism vs. Conservatism?

That some "progressives" may be conservatives, while most "conservatives" are actually progressives.

More On Berry vs. UKY

Wendell Berry explains his break with the University of Kentucky.

Tea Time

Tea party populism gets its marching orders from Republican leaders in Washington D.C., while Obama pretends to seeth.