Stephen Heiner

Stephen Heiner
Stephen lives in Paris, where he writes and manages small businesses. He writes on culture, the permanent things, and all things French. You can also find his writing online at The Fleming Foundation, The American in Paris, True Restoration, and Medium. You can also chat with him on twitter or instagram: @stephenheiner. Stephen holds a BA in English Literature and minors in Catholic Studies and Business from Rockhurst University. He holds an MBA from Saint Louis University. He also served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve as a Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense Specialist.

Recent Essays

The Old Normal is Alive and Well in Paris

No man is an island, and everything we do, even in the privacy of our homes, has an effect on our society as a whole, but the past three months have shown us that the same lie that animates the Chinese government has spread and infected the West as well: the State knows best.

Yellow Vests Run Out of Gas

When asked to share my thoughts on the recent yellow vests protests, I initially demurred, stating that is was simply another case of the...

The Alpine Heart

Liechtenstein is the 6th smallest country in the world, larger than San Marino but smaller than the Marshall Islands, and is roughly twice the...

The Day the Improbable Happened

In 2014, I was in Glasgow for the Scottish referendum. I had spent the day before the referendum out and about in Glasgow and...

Maintenant, ça suffit

I've been out of Paris for a week now, and apart from a brief stop there on my way to London to watch the Brexit...

The Web, Our Brains, and You

Like most avid readers I have a queue of books I'm reading and plan to read. When a new book gets added to the...


On an intercontinental flight these days one has dozens of options. Not only do they have the most recent movies available for your enjoyment,...

The leaders we deserve

I'm heading back to the United States this month to spend some time with my family, and I'm headed back to an America whipped...

Branding Disaster

Earlier this year, after the Charlie Hebdo shootings, I reflected on the conversations that may or may not ensue from the changing of a...

No, I’m Not Charlie Martel, Either

Some time ago a number of my Facebook friends, some who even claimed to be practicing Catholics, changed their profile pictures on Facebook...

The End We Imagine

I recently had a chance to watch the film The Giver. Sometimes we get films early, sometimes late, sometimes at the same time as...

How I Ended my 6-Year Relationship with my Blackberry

Going to the gym? Call a friend. Running an errand? Send a text. Eating something interesting? Take a picture and show the world on Facebook.