The Blackboard

Crafting the Ideal School: Finding a Balance Between High-Tech and the...

it is through the arts alone that the various branches of learning touch human life.

How to Raise Readers, in Thirty-Five Steps

It is not too much to say that everything in our culture pushes against habits

Romanticism and the Soul of Learning

Conservatives should reconsider the lessons of Romanticism.

Saying No to AI in Education

To rush AI into the classroom or into daily life is to put student well-being at stake. And as Kingsnorth reminds us, refusal to accept certain forms of technology can “enrich rather than impoverish.”

The Student’s Dilemma

The promise of AI is utopian and seems futuristic, but its effects on the educational landscape will make students nostalgic for the pre-ChatGPT days of yore.

Large Language Models and the Final Paragraph

Like the sonnet, the five-paragraph essay traps investment in truth felt in the heart and forged in the mind by means of its life-respecting limitations.

I Can Hear Music

As C.S. Lewis noted in The Abolition of Man, the souls of our youth are not jungles that need pruning but deserts that need irrigation. We could start by getting them to hear music.

The Streak: A Legendary Semester

Our participation streak brought forward more diversity of opinion and expression in the classroom while forming the students into a team with a shared objective.

The Final Prayer of Jim Barry  

—it took 40 years for me to begin to realize these words Jim silently put into my hands on that last day of class were a prayer.

A Garden of Children

If you understand that a child’s growth comes from a spark within, just as does the growth of a flower, a crystal, or a mighty oak, you might take a more trusting view of a child’s growth.