Culture, High & Low

C’mon Do the Pomocomotion With Me

A few impressions on the state of play. 1.  Agree with JMW that this exchange has not been very helpful, and reiterate first thought that...

The Old School

My review of Jonathan Zimmerman's Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory appears in today's Wall Street Journal ("In One Room, Many...

Southern Adulteration

Devon, PA.  I have had only a few hours to appreciate the spectacle of talking-heads devouring the carrion of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's...

Michael Jackson’s Front Porch Moment  Okay, so he never did go back to Indiana, back to where he started from. And it's too bad the Jackson 5 didn't...

Teenagers, Gratitude, and a Culture of Affluence

Holland, MI. Like many readers, or perhaps more accurately, like many readers with children, I read with great interest Mark Mitchell’s piece on “Cultivating...

So: Are We Hypocrites?

Claremont, CA. A student has confronted me about Front Porch Republic. So now  I'm writing the post that I've known I would have to...

Cultivating Gratitude

Blairsville, GA. Recently I was with a friend whose oldest son, having just completed his junior year, is home from college. The young man...

Brave New World Reconsidered: A Tale of Two Gnosticisms

Many who are alarmed at the prospect of the “abolition of man” have found in Huxley’s Brave New World a dark and salutary warning...

The Big (Organic) Apple

Claremont, CA. The Big Apple dreams of the organic apple. Everywhere you look in The New York Times these days, somebody is talking about organic...

On the Logic and Nature of Blogging

Phoenix, Arizona. Because of my involvement with this darn site I have been attending to the blogosphere much more than heretofore, and lately have...