Culture, High & Low

Liberty or Freedom?

Many involved in Front Porch Republic embrace the idea of a smallholder economy based on family production under conditions of widespread ownership of productive...

The New “Freedom”

Claremont, CA.   Becka flew into my office, so excited that she was out of breath. "Professor," she asked, "have you heard about freedom?" I couldn't...

Against (Gay) Marriage

Alexandria, VA Andrew Cherlin - the Benjamin H. Griswold III Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University - has written an...

NAIS Delenda Est

This past Friday I attended a USDA-sponsored “listening-session” concerning the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS is, in the words of USDA,...

The Importance of Growing Up Village

Cold Spring, NY. Leopold Kohr, the author of the great classic, The Breakdown of  Nations, once said that his approach to the world--in favor...

Family Warfare

GREETINGS FROM THE PROGRESSIVE POLICY WORLD It’s an honor and pleasure to be in dialogue with members of the Front Porch Republic. I heard...

The 100 Years vs. The 100 Days Standard

Erie, PA. Americans were reminded last month that since the time of the New Deal, it has become customary for presidents and...

Meritocracy, Urban Design, and Culture: Observations from a Friend

PHOENIX, ARIZONA. (Note: this post has two pages, thanks to webmaster Lundy's new-and-improved FPR technology.) I am gratified by the many responses, here and...

GPS, Security, and Freedom

Blairsville, GA. Recently my wife and I took a trip to New York City. To alleviate the trials of navigating an...

Summertime Blues

Wichita, KS. I'm more than capable of putting on my localist and communitarian hat(s) during the fall, winter, and spring: I defend the public...